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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chemtrail Ingredients


  1. Thanks for your website.

    There's no question chemtrails are dangerous. I've watched them over Arizona for at least ten years now, and find the phenomenon shocking. My worst fear for the environment is that chemtrails exacerbate drought, in turn causing devastating forest fires, which are then made worse by the fire-enhancing properties of aluminum oxide, one of the chemtrail ingredients.

    The secrecy surrounding chemtrails is amazing: a complete media blackout. I've never seen the word so much as mentioned in any mainstream published book. What is more, investigators who have researched chemtrails for years (eg Will Thomas and Cliff Carnacom) still do not know precisely who is responsible for the program, nor what its exact purpose is. What is more astounding, most people don't believe chemtrails exist, even while looking straight at them.

    The answer? Wake people up. Web sites and YouTubes are effective; they convey a lot of detailed information. The problem is, people have to know about chemtrails to find these sites in the first place. That's why, though the word is spreading, it's spreading very slowly.

    To speed the process up, we need REAL WORLD attention getters. For example, signs have been occasionally posted around Tucson saying "LOOK UP! What in the world are they spraying? GOOGLE IT!" It was this sign that made me aware of the highly informative YouTube by that same name.

    I myself have mailed over 400 flyers to professors, physicists, government officials, and resort hotel owners -- folks with an interest who might be influential. I have also devoted the last 3 years to writing a thriller novel on chemtrails. I think of it as a 500-page flyer. I'd rather write a novel on some other topic, but I can't sit back and do nothing. If the novel should succeed, people WILL look up and take notice.

    Keep up the good work. We all need to do what we can to get people's attention. If enough folks know about this, the perpetrators will have to stop.

  2. For anyone interested in pressuring government agencies about chemtrails, I have come to suspect that chemtrails are a NAVY program. Evidence? The Navy is a sponsor of HAARP, a major arm of the chemtrail operation. Also, a former navy secretary was America's point man for biowarfare research -- a possible application of chemtrails. In addition, a chemtrail plane blew up on the runway and Pt. Magoo (sp?) Naval Air Station, the plane flown by contractor Omega Aerospace I believe. The locals have filed a lawsuit.

    If it IS the navy running this program, that might explain why nobody's figured it out. Worth a try, anyway.

  3. The people need to get together and charge Treason and attempted murder of the population and force ti to be outlawed - this is A DECLARATION OF WAR ON WE THE PEOPLE BY DC ! We have the right and duty to fight back ! Why are we accepting this and funding it with our taxes ? Are we that far gone already ?? Stop paying ALL taxes - they are UN-Constitutional anyway and we commit Treason by paying them. WE need to do some self-defence here and DEMAND ALL CHEMTRAILS BE STOPPED - WHY ALLOW THEM TO POISON US that they have been doing all these years - and then we wonder why our kids minds are going crazy. Between the poisons they call 'vaccines' that are just military bio-weapon experiments that we hand over our kids to get injected with or the Chemtrails - it's all them trying to kill us ! THIS IS WAR can't you see that ? And ever ask yourself WHY are they changing the air we breathe that is deadly to humans and our animals ? Those Chemtrails are not bothering the Elites at all and they are changing the air we have to breathe all over the world - EVER ASK YOURSELF WHY ? WHAT OR WHO ARE THEY PREPARING EARTH FOR ?


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